Math Calculators - Free Tools for Percentage, Areas, and Geometric Shapes


Percentage Calculator

This calculator is used to calculate percentages and percentage increase or decrease.

Volume Calculator

This free calculator calculates volumes of common shapes including sphere, cone, cube, cylinder, capsule, cap, frustum cone, ellipsoid, pyramid, tube, and more.

Root Calculator

This free calculator computes roots for numbers, including common roots like square root or cubic root, and calculates the root for any given number.

Area Calculator

This calculator calculates the area of various common geometric shapes, including rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, circle, sector, and ellipse.

Median Rank Calculator

The median value calculator calculates the median rank and explains how to calculate it.

Cylinder Circumference Calculator

The cylinder circumference calculator calculates the circumference of a cylinder based on its diameter and height.

Tank Area Calculator

The tank area calculator calculates the area of a tank based on its dimensions and the rectangles that make up the tank.

Square Side Length Calculator

The square side length calculator calculates the side length of a square based on the input area or perimeter.

Absence Percentage Calculator

The absence percentage calculator calculates the absence percentage based on the total attendance and absence count.

Attendance Percentage Calculator

The attendance percentage calculator calculates the attendance percentage based on the total attendance and absence count.

Population Density Calculator

The population density calculator calculates population density based on the population count and area.

One-Fifth Calculator

The one-fifth calculator calculates one-fifth of a total amount based on the input amount.

Circle Radius Calculator

The circle radius calculator calculates the radius of a circle using information such as the diameter, circumference, or area of the circle.

Percentage List for Any Number from 1 to 100

'percentage calculator, calculate percentage, percentage tool, percentage, calculate numbers, numbers from 1 to 100

5% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 5% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 5% of a specific amount.

10% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 10% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 10% of a specific amount.

15% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 15% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 15% of a specific amount.

20% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 20% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 20% of a specific amount.

25% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 25% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 25% of a specific amount.

30% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 30% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 30% of a specific amount.

35% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 35% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 35% of a specific amount.

40% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 40% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 40% of a specific amount.

75% of Amount Calculator

Learn how to calculate 75% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 75% of a specific amount.

One-Fifth Calculator

The one-fifth calculator calculates one-fifth of a total amount based on the input amount.