Explore a collection of free math calculators, including percentage calculators, area calculations, and various geometric computations.
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Calculator | Description |
Percentage Calculator | This calculator is used to calculate percentages and percentage increase or decrease. |
Volume Calculator | This free calculator calculates volumes of common shapes including sphere, cone, cube, cylinder, capsule, cap, frustum cone, ellipsoid, pyramid, tube, and more. |
Root Calculator | This free calculator computes roots for numbers, including common roots like square root or cubic root, and calculates the root for any given number. |
Area Calculator | This calculator calculates the area of various common geometric shapes, including rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, circle, sector, and ellipse. |
Median Rank Calculator | The median value calculator calculates the median rank and explains how to calculate it. |
Cylinder Circumference Calculator | The cylinder circumference calculator calculates the circumference of a cylinder based on its diameter and height. |
Tank Area Calculator | The tank area calculator calculates the area of a tank based on its dimensions and the rectangles that make up the tank. |
Square Side Length Calculator | The square side length calculator calculates the side length of a square based on the input area or perimeter. |
Absence Percentage Calculator | The absence percentage calculator calculates the absence percentage based on the total attendance and absence count. |
Attendance Percentage Calculator | The attendance percentage calculator calculates the attendance percentage based on the total attendance and absence count. |
Population Density Calculator | The population density calculator calculates population density based on the population count and area. |
One-Fifth Calculator | The one-fifth calculator calculates one-fifth of a total amount based on the input amount. |
Circle Radius Calculator | The circle radius calculator calculates the radius of a circle using information such as the diameter, circumference, or area of the circle. |
Percentage List for Any Number from 1 to 100 | 'percentage calculator, calculate percentage, percentage tool, percentage, calculate numbers, numbers from 1 to 100 |
5% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 5% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 5% of a specific amount. |
10% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 10% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 10% of a specific amount. |
15% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 15% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 15% of a specific amount. |
20% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 20% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 20% of a specific amount. |
25% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 25% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 25% of a specific amount. |
30% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 30% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 30% of a specific amount. |
35% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 35% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 35% of a specific amount. |
40% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 40% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 40% of a specific amount. |
75% of Amount Calculator | Learn how to calculate 75% of an amount. This calculator calculates the value and percentage of 75% of a specific amount. |
One-Fifth Calculator | The one-fifth calculator calculates one-fifth of a total amount based on the input amount. |