Explore our collection of free Zakat calculators, including calculators for calculating Zakat on wealth, alms, and Sharia assets according to Islamic rules.
If you know of or wish to add other calculators, please contact us via email at info@do-calculate.com. We will be happy to add them! :)
Calculator | Description |
Wealth Zakat Calculator | This calculator is used to calculate wealth Zakat and alms based on Islamic rules. |
Gold Zakat Calculator | This calculator calculates gold Zakat and jewelry based on Shariah conditions. |
Silver Zakat Calculator | This calculator is used to calculate silver and precious metals Zakat based on Islamic rulings. |
Fruits Zakat Calculator | This calculator calculates Zakat on fruits and agricultural produce according to religious rules. |
Trade Zakat Calculator | This calculator is used to calculate trade assets and investment capital Zakat. |
Animal Zakat Calculator | This calculator calculates Zakat on animals and livestock based on Shariah rules. |
Gold Karat Conversion Calculator | This calculator is used to convert gold karat units into other units such as grams and ounces. |