Gold Karat Conversion Calculator
This calculator calculates the weight of gold in different karats based on the original weight of gold and the specified karat.
This calculator aims to convert the weight of gold from one karat to different karats.

Gold Karat Conversion Calculator

Gold Karat Conversion:

This calculator is designed to convert the weight of gold from one karat to different karats. The calculator takes the weight of gold and the original karat as inputs. The calculator verifies the accuracy of the received inputs, ensuring that the weight and karat are greater than zero and that the original karat does not exceed the purity of pure gold.
Based on the weight and original karat, the calculator calculates the equivalent weight of gold in each of the supported karats. The calculator stores the calculated values in the result object, where the calculated weight for each karat is represented using a custom key consisting of "karat_" followed by the karat value.

At the end of the calculation, an object containing the calculated weights for each karat is returned.

This calculator simplifies the process of converting the weight of gold between different karats with ease and accuracy, even if you don't have specialized knowledge in this field.