Time and Date Calculators - Free Calculators to Calculate Age and Date Differences


Gregorian Age Calculator

This calculator calculates age in years, months, and days using the Gregorian and Hijri calendar.

Hijri Age Calculator

Calculate your age in Hijri (Islamic) calendar by entering your birthdate in either Hijri or Gregorian date. Use the Hijri Age Calculator to convert dates into precise ages based on the Islamic calendar.

Age Difference Calculator

This calculator calculates the difference in age between two individuals using the Gregorian calendar.

Gregorian Date Difference Calculator

This calculator is used to calculate the difference between two specific dates using the Gregorian calendar.

Hijri Date Difference Calculator

This calculator calculates the difference between two specific dates using the Hijri calendar.

Birthday Calculator

Use this calculator to find out the detailed time remaining until your birthday in the Gregorian calendar. Enter your birthday to get the difference between the current time and your birthday in months and days.

Gregorian to Hijri Converter

Convert date from Gregorian to Hijri by entering the Gregorian date and finding its equivalent in Hijri using the electronic date converter.

Hijri to Gregorian Converter

Convert date from Hijri to Gregorian by entering the Hijri date and finding its equivalent in Gregorian using the electronic date converter.

Online Time Calculator

The free Time and Duration Calculator helps you add or subtract time values in terms of days, hours, minutes, or seconds with ease. You can also learn various concepts of time.