Explore our collection of free study calculators, including GPA calculators and grade conversion between different grading systems.
Calculator | Description |
GPA Table Converter | This calculator helps convert students cumulative GPA to different scales, such as GPA, percentage system, and more. |
International University Grade Calculator | This calculator calculates the university grade based on the international grading system. |
GPA Calculator on a 4.0 Scale | Use this calculator to calculate the cumulative GPA based on a 4.0 grading system. |
GPA Calculator on a 5.0 Scale | This calculator calculates the cumulative GPA based on a 5.0 grading system. |
Grade to Percentage Converter | This calculator converts grades from the grading system to the percentage system. |
GPA Planning Calculator | Use this calculator to plan your future cumulative GPA based on expected grades. |
Grade Conversion Between 100 and 4 Scales | This calculator helps convert grades between the percentage system and the 4.0 grading scale and vice versa. |
Convert GPA from 5 to 100 and Vice Versa | Easily convert your cumulative GPA between the 5-point and 100-point systems. Learn how to convert your GPA from 5 to 100 and vice versa using this simple tool. |
GPA Converter: 4.0 Scale to 5.0 Scale and Vice Versa | Use this calculator to convert cumulative GPA between the 4.0 and 5.0 grading scales. |
Test Grade Calculator | Easily calculate your test score and grade using the advanced grade calculator. Get the percentage and letter grade based on the number of points and incorrect answers. |
Conversion to the British Grading System | This calculator converts cumulative GPA to the British grading system. |
Convert University GPA to the German System | Easily and accurately convert your university GPA to the German system. Learn how to convert your Bachelor's and Master's GPA to the German system using this useful tool. |
Convert University GPA to the French System | Discover how to easily and accurately convert your university GPA to the French system. Learn the details of the French university grading system. |
Convert University GPA to the Canadian System | Discover how to easily and accurately convert your university GPA to the Canadian system. Learn the details of the Canadian university grading system. |
Convert University GPA to the Malaysian Grading System | Learn how to easily and accurately convert your cumulative GPA to the Malaysian grading system. Get to know the grading system in Malaysian universities. |
Convert Cumulative GPA to the Turkish System | Discover how to easily and accurately convert your university GPA to the Turkish system. Learn the details of the Turkish university grading system. |
Convert Cumulative GPA to the Australian System | Discover how to easily and accurately convert your university GPA to the Australian system. Learn the details of the Australian university grading system. |