Countdown to Ramadan 2025

Countdown to Ramadan: Ramadan month 2025 is expected to start on Saturday, March 1, 2025 AD and 01/09/1446 AH.


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Upcoming Ramadan Dates

Ramadan DateDateRemaining
Ramadan 202501/03/2025158 Days
Ramadan 202618/02/2026512 Days
Ramadan 202708/02/2027867 Days
Ramadan 202828/01/20281221 Days
Ramadan 202916/01/20291575 Days

Countdown to Ramadan 2025

In this article, we provide you with a detailed countdown to the blessed month of Ramadan, so you can stay informed about how many days are left until the arrival of this noble month. Many of us wonder how much time is left until the blessed month of Ramadan. Therefore, in this article, we present to you the countdown to the blessed month of Ramadan, allowing you to know how much time is left until Ramadan, how many days are left, and when Ramadan is. Watch the countdown to Ramadan at the top of this article.

According to the Date Converter website, Ramadan 2025 will begin on Saturday, 01/03/2025 AD, and 01/09/1446 AH. You can view the countdown to Ramadan 2025 in this article.

Here you will find the countdown to Ramadan, allowing you to know how many days are left until the holy month of Ramadan.

Calculate Remaining Days until the Holy Month of Ramadan

Through the Ramadan Countdown program, you can know how many days are left until Ramadan in both the Gregorian and Hijri calendars. You can also find out how many days are left until Ramadan, and how many days are left until the end of Ramadan, and when Ramadan begins. Watch the countdown to the holy month of Ramadan above.


Ramadan, the ninth month in the Hijri calendar, immediately follows the month of Sha'ban and is distinguished by its special status in the hearts of Muslims. It is the month of fasting, one of the pillars of Islam, during which Muslims refrain from food, drink, and desires from dawn until sunset. The month of Ramadan begins with the sighting of the crescent moon on the 29th day of Sha'ban, and if the crescent moon is not sighted, Sha'ban will be 30 days and the next day will be the first day of Ramadan. The number of days in the month of Ramadan ranges from 29 to 30 days, depending on the sighting of the crescent moon.

Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr at the end of Ramadan, and Ramadan holds a special place in Islamic history and heritage, as the Quran was revealed during the Night of Decree in this noble month. The descent of revelation upon the Prophet Muhammad at various times during this month is a testimony to his greatness and his message.

Countdown to Ramadan

Benefits of Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

Fasting in the month of Ramadan has many benefits for the fasting person, encompassing all physical and psychological aspects. If the fasting person follows a healthy diet, fasting will have many positive effects on the fasting person's health. These numerous benefits include improving blood levels, reducing harmful lipid levels in the blood, regulating blood pressure, maintaining blood sugar levels, reducing stress and anxiety, and combating cancer and inflammation. In this article, we will mention the numerous benefits of fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan.

  • Improving blood levels
  • Reducing harmful lipid levels in the blood
  • Regulating blood pressure
  • Maintaining blood sugar levels
  • Combating cancer and inflammation
  • Improving digestion and the digestive system
  • Enhancing mental and cognitive functions